It has been two years. Two years since I left my house on my way to dinner with friends and two blocks from my apartment got hit by a car. Yes, I broke something. Yes, I had to have surgery. And, yes, it sucked at the time.
But time has a way of showing clarity in retrospect. Events like this, impact not just your world at the moment but your trajectory beyond. That is why they call it a turning point. At first I tried to go back to what I had been doing before, my solitary focus was to feel normal again, do all the things I had planned. (Work towards becoming a software engineer etc). I had a drive to not let the accident change ANYTHING. My trajectory would NOT be impacted, and it wasn’t. But what I learned was that my path I had laid out was no longer the path that fit. I was fighting to stay on course, even though signs pointed to the fact that I might be headed the wrong way. It took me a few months after everything was back to “normal” to realize this. When the dust settled momentarily that had arisen from the chaos of normalcy, I realized my normalcy was just a train in motion. I realized I had the opportunity to get off the train at the next stop and change my destination.
And now that I have I am thankful, which it is the season to be. Thankful for a new outlook, a new drive, a new work I am passionate about. I am thankful for new friends and as always, my family and my old friends that have stuck with me through it all.
Turning points can be some of the most positive things in this world as long as we allow them, if we can, to set us on a more focused path to what we want as we are now, in this new moment. You can’t stay unchanged by them. Soul searching has to happen to let you know what you truly desire from here.
Don’t be scared of embracing those turning points. Let them have an effect on you. Allow them to tell you what should come next. Not based on money or material things, but on what your soul is calling out for.
If you got this far in my novel thanks for being you and for helping me on my new path. As always, I am here to help you on yours.
This post was originally posted on facebook.