What Makes You Unique

My thoughts today are on: Talents, passions, and all those skills you have tucked away. In other words: Your uniqueness.

We generally recognize that we are a sum of all our parts when it comes to life experiences and knowledge we have learned along the way. But just like Captain Planet – when our powers combine – we become super heroes. We all are super heroes and can be great once our powers are unleashed on this world. It is a fascinating exercise to really take inventory of what you do well, and put those skills together in unique ways. Yes, even in your enjoyment of your life you can be more efficient.🤪

This all boils down to knowing yourself, but focusing on the things you do well instead of what you perceive as a “lack”. No one (even yours truly, as shocking as it is to believe 😉 ) does everything well. But every skill you have, every heartfelt conversation, every time you have grown in any part of your life has shaped your uniqueness. Your uniqueness is a commodity this world needs. 

Along our journey we will always find people we are drawn to and want to be like. The key is not to emulate others in everything they do, only in the aspect we admire most that we feel would add to our growth or enjoyment of life. That will season and compliment our uniqueness not replace the main ingredients.

Envy and jealously do not serve us, what does is celebrating accomplishments with each other and letting others joy fuel our own. We can all be a league of superheroes finding greatness in each other. When you do find someones greatness (or one of the many facets) make sure to let them know. Because sometimes even superheroes are blinded by their kryptonite.

If you ever need a reminder of your power you know where to find me ❤

This post was originally posted on facebook.

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