A thing on my mind this week. I find that sometimes when there is good news to celebrate in your own life or in your friends life. There is both a collective and internal desire to find the negative aspects in life as well. A coping mechanism to stop the celebration in its tracks. By latching on to those negative things you somehow believe it will help keep you grounded. It won’t let your ego swell too large. And it will let you explain away why you maybe are not the one currently able to celebrate.
Other peoples success and being happy for them sometimes makes us start comparing. As if we can extrapolate from their success a magic way to have success of our own. Also, it can make us feel that we must be doing something wrong since we are not the ones currently celebrating.
I have learned that someone’s success does not mean anything at ALL about my own success and worth in this world. My name and my actions and my work must stand on their own legs. There is immense power in that. I can be fully engaged and present in my happiness for others without in anyway worrying what this means for me.
I then become a bigger cheerleader and supporter of those around me. I forge ahead on the path I have chosen without compromising who I am to try and fit the mold others have created. (The mold that allows them in this moment to be celebrated). There is great joy in this. We should all get to feel joy to its fullest extent without worrying about how our joy will make others feel.
This is not to say you can’t wish for something others have. That you can’t desire to be celebrated as well. But here is the secret: Someone is always celebrating that you exist in this world. You might not always know who, but I promise someone out there is magnificently happy you are around. Celebrating your impact for simply being you. For being the amazing friend, talent, person, and light in this world that you are. That is already more than enough.
So I celebrate you. I celebrate all that you are and all the things you are yet to be. But most importantly, I hope you are able to celebrate yourself as well. Cause gosh darn it. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
This post was originally posted on facebook.