Dare to Dream!

Six Year NYC anniversary was yesterday. Everything worked out pretty ok 😉. I know some people have called me brave etc for making this leap. So I just want to remind you all: You have the power to do anything you want in this life!

We talk ourselves out of so much all the time. Claiming it unattainable or the wrong time and all the excuses we like to give. The actual truth is, most things, are in fact possible. I am not saying you have to leave for your dream tomorrow, but don’t talk yourself out of something you really want out of the fear that you can’t do it in the right way. This may seem like “Jen being all inspirational with no substance”. But let me tell you, whatever it is you want, it just takes enough of a plan to get started. The whole thing doesn’t have to be perfectly planned out. So if you want to move the family to Europe, want to open a bed and breakfast, want to write a book, want to climb Everest, achieve EGOT status etc you should.

What it takes: A singular focus, a shared vision (if others are involved), and enough self introspection to realize that it is TOTALLY ok if it is not perfect. The question I always ask myself before making a leap is “What’s the worst that could happen?”. The answer to myself is usually I have to take a step back to where I was before if it does not work out. Funny thing is, that has never happened. We adapt and grow and cause we are all so awesome, we actually have a really good time doing that.

So if you are felling stuck, without purpose, or just … meh. Find your singular focus and get working towards it a little every day. Some examples of easy ways to start:

  • Start learning the language of a cool place you would like to live as a family.
  • Go on a hike that is more challenging than the last each week to build stamina.
  • Write for 20 minutes every day.

And what then happens if you never actually climb Everest, or move the family to Europe etc? Will this time you invested in preparing for the dream really be wasted? No in fact, as they say, life is all about the journey, the journey takes longer than the arrival at whatever your great dream is. So enjoy the journey but don’t forget to change directions if you have seen this scenery too much. There is a lot of world to see, both physically and in the journey of self-discovery.

PS. Your dream can also change over time, don’t feel like you have failed if you decide what you once wanted is no longer the thing that will fulfill you. Change and grow and let yourself be swept up in a new direction.

This post was originally posted on facebook.

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